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Friday, January 2

British Books Challenge 2015

Every year I try not to participate in any reading challenges simply because I know most of the times I am unable to complete them – or, as often also happens, sort of forget about them. However, I fervently want to believe that 2015 is going to be different and as for that I am going to be taking part in a couple of reading challenges (excluding Goodreads 2015 Reading Challenge).

Since moving to the UK a little bit over a year ago that I have noticed that more and more British authors are entering my TBR list. For finding that interesting I decided to participate in the British Books Challenge 2015, hosted by Michelle @ Fluttering Butterflies. This challenge basically consists of reading and reviewing a minimum of 12 books written by British authors – and the participants can either read one book a month for a year or all the twelve books in the same month.

As for what I’ll be reading for this challenge I must say that I am not yet certain. I have a couple of books that I would like to get to in 2015 but I know I’m not very good with monthly settled TBRs so I’ll probably just go with the flow. Then again, there are three books by British authors that I’m almost sure I will be picking up this year so here they are!

Half Wild by Sally Green
Say Her Name by James Dawson
The Savages by Matt Whyman

If you’re also participating in this challenge please do let me know as I would love to check out the books you’ll be reading throughout this year.


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